There is probably nothing more comfortable to wear around the house than a simple bathrobe. But not an ordinary bathrobe, let's leave those to hotels. Your home is unique and you need to feel exceptionally comfortable at any time and during any activity. And it doesn't take much to do that. Imagine waking up sleepy in the morning, getting out from under the warm blanket, barely able to see and desperately wanting to reach the coffee machine. You know that you have the morning hustle and bustle ahead of you: shower, breakfast, getting the kids ready for school and yourself ready for work. One thing - throwing on your favorite bathrobe, which makes you feel like you are one step away from doing all these activities smoothly and comfortably, becomes your daily ritual that puts you in a good mood in the morning. Something like fresh coffee in your favorite Luz Ceramics mug.
The fabric from which we made the bathrobe is also very absorbent and dries quickly. It is great for after a bath, without the need to dry yourself with a towel.
The bathrobe is made
of a mixture of linen (37%) and cotton (63%).