Właściwości i zalety wełny nowozelandzkiej


A New Zealand wool blanket is an excellent choice for those looking for a natural and durable product. New Zealand wool is valued for its softness, warmth and durability. A blanket made of this material is resistant to dirt and easy to keep clean, thanks to the fact that wool has natural antibacterial and moisture-wicking properties. It is also hypoallergenic, which is important for allergy sufferers or people prone to allergies. A 100% wool blanket is also an excellent thermal insulator, thanks to which it keeps you warm on colder days and does not overheat on warmer ones, it is durable and with proper care can serve for many years. Wool is also fire resistant, which is another plus for safety. Many people claim that wool also has health-promoting properties, it is used, for example, by people with rheumatic problems.


New Zealand wool comes from sheep bred in New Zealand. These sheep are specially selected and bred to obtain quality wool . The process of obtaining New Zealand wool is completely natural and non-invasive for animals. The sheep are shorn once a year, usually in spring, when the wool is the longest and of the best quality . Shearing is carried out by specialists who try to keep as much wool on the sheep's body as possible to avoid skin damage. After shearing, the wool is cleaned and then spun, which allows for obtaining threads of the right thickness. New Zealand wool is valued for its quality, softness and warmth, as well as for its natural antibacterial and moisture-wicking properties . Additionally, New Zealand was the first country in the world to introduce a ban on mulesing , commonly used in sheep breeding

What is mulesing?

Mulesing is a method of removing the skin from around the anus of sheep to prevent skin diseases such as maggots fly strike. The method has been criticised by animal welfare organisations as painful and cruel. In New Zealand, mulesing has been banned in order to protect animal welfare and improve the image of animal products exported from the country.
